Introduction To California Health Insurance In 5 Easy Pieces

Health Insurance you've visited countless websites, received instant health insurance quotes and colorful benefit descriptions with enough small print to make you scream...WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN (and who writes this stuff)!!! Well we didn't write it but after years of reading it, we have boiled down the various plans to 5 key elements...and if you understand just these will be able to walk into the California health insurance market with confidence (and a fair amount of sanity left). (more…)
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About Hypothyroidism – a Common Health Problem

By hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland is producing too less hormones to stimulate the metabolism or the body is not able to utilize the hormones. The lack of thyroid hormones slows down the metabolism and thus all the activities in the body, giving a combination of many symptoms related to slowness of bodily processes. Hypothyroidism is common, but the frequency of the condition is not well determined. Some authorities estimate that 0.5% of the total American population have the disease to some degree. The frequency is much greater among people over 50 years of age than among young people. (more…)
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Natural Therapy for Maintaining Healthy Blood Pressure

Natural Therapy
While there are many common pharmaceutical treatments for high blood pressure including beta blockers and A.C.E. inhibitors there are some very effective alternatives including pomegranate juice, passion flower and physical exercise. There is evidence that pomegranate juice offers protection against cardiovascular disease. While pomegranates (punica granatum) have been around for thousands of years, not much research had been done until recently. Most of the research was first conducted in Israel and has been ongoing. One of the first studies to gain attention showed that pomegranate juice had potent antiatherogenic (biologically active substance that prevents atherogenesis, the accumulation of lipid containing plaques on the innermost layers of the arteries) effects in healthy humans and in atherosclerotic mice that may be attributable to its anti oxidative properties. A few months later, the…
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