Best fish oil alternative : nordic natural algae omega
We go beyond the chemical definitions of fats and reach the part that interests us most in this article: fats can be - 1.Simple (triglycerides) 2. Compounds (phospholipids) 3. Derivatives (cholesterol). Triglycerides and mentioned that they are of two types: saturated and unsaturated. We are particularly interested in the unsaturated ones, which in turn fall into two subcategories: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. The category polyunsaturates contains the omega 3 part, which we will discuss. Perhaps many people, when thinking about starting a more balanced diet or eating style, with the goal of losing weight or reducing fat stubborn tissue, consider it important to give up fat or consume as little as possible. This is the situation where you are in the hypermarket and on the shelf you always choose the option…